Welcome to Walled Garden
Weave a Willow Tension Tray or Platter Workshop

Weave a Willow Tension Tray or Platter Workshop

Calendar icon Saturday, 28 September 2024
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From: 10:00 - 15:30

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If you, like me, would like to impress your guests and serve your homemade scones on a hand woven willow platter , then join us in the Walled Garden for our Weave a Willow Tension Tray or Platter Workshop on

Saturday 28th September 2024

10am -3.30pm

This relaxed, willow workshop is a great introduction to the tradition of Irish, willow weaving basketry.

Experienced local willow artist and crafter, Heather Mcdermott, will guide you through the various traditional willow weaves, and practical processes involved, using our own homegrown willow.

This willow is sown and grown as a coppice crop, and harvested annually in our very own Saille garden.

You will weave a willow tension tray or platter that is not only beautiful, but is a functional addition to any kitchen table filled with breads, fruits or scones . They also look good hanging on a wall

This workshop is suitable for beginners and those with some experience alike.

So come along .. bring a partner or a friend for a fun filled, memorable day in the garden ..and the scones aren’thalf bad either!

Tickets cost £80 pp and include

🌿All tuition
🌿Tools and materials
🌿Morning and afternoon teas including homemade scones of course..and a delicious homemade lunch.. please advise of food intolerances and allergies
🌿A walk to the Saille garden weather permitting to learn more about this sutainable crop. Weather and time permitting.

For details of our other events and workshops click here

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